Every morning at about the same time
The Bus pulls up below my window
With its noisy engine humming
The noxious fumes, they invade my space
My eyes are full of tears
My nose will not stop running
I hate this Bus and what it brings
I watch it leave, crab down the street
In a cloud of its own pollution
Today it is a different story for in my hand
I have a ticket a pass a token for a journey
This morning I will take a seat upon this bus
I’m filled with trepidation
As in my head I have maligned this bus
Will it pay me back, will it reach its destination
We wind the roads we climb the hills
We park up in a clearing
I walk a path, I wend my way, through the dappled light
Before me a magnificent vista opens up
My eyes opened on such a beautiful sight
A pond of crystal clarity. A cascade of healing power
A Kingfisher in all its resplendent glory
Dove into this tranquil pond intent on catching prey
A million sparkling diamonds shimmered in its entry spray
The songbirds harmonising with the frogs
The sunlight through the leaves of trees
Gave the air a mesmerising glimmer
I saw the beauty of a spiders web
That had captured more mist than flies
If this could be the afterlife
I would never fear of my demise
Every morning at about the same time
The Bus pulls up below my window
The fumes a pleasant reminder
I feel now that I love this Bus
As tears invade my eyes
This Bus, this Bus it had shown me paradise
Months passed they unfolded into years
I often thought of that magical place but never did go back
The bus was my only reminder
The bus still stopped outside
But now it held no fears
I picked up my stick I combed my snow white hair
I use this bus to take me anywhere
All I heard was the shattering of glass
The aroma of burning rubber
A Kingfisher showed me the light
A million diamonds shinning bright
The Bus the Bus had returned me to paradise