There in a puddle left by the rain
A bird washing, taking such pain
Wet and bedraggled far worse than before
Too heavy with water to leave the floor
A cat on a wall a distance away
A lean and dirty local stray
Sees this bird and realises its plight
Knows that it’s incapable of flight
In his hungry head he sees his chance
And without as much as a second glance
Pounces from his wall with intent
An opportunity like this is heaven sent
This bird still unable to fly
Sees the cat in the corner of his eye
He screams and franticly flaps his wings around
This catches the attention of a nearby hound
The dog thought, a cat verses a bird well that’s not fare
I know, I’ll give this cat a really bad scare
So the dog drew a deep deep breath
Barked like hell, and scared the cat to death
The cat wisely ran a mile
The dog gave a satisfied smile
Now the bird had dried, he was able to fly
He swooped down to his saviour from his perch on high
He landed on the dogs back without any fear
Climbed on his head and uttered these word into his ear
Thank you kind hound, I owe my life to you
Tell me please is there anything for you I can do
“Don’t mention it” but seeing your asking, do you see that tick in my ear?
Without hesitation the bird got to work and pecked the whole dog clear
They became friends forever that day
Helping each other in every way
The dog clear of unwanted pests
And the bird had hair to line its nests
Now if like me you have regard for every living thing
Regardless of species, creed or colour of skin
You will have a concern for this cat abruptly separated from his meal
And you think that perhaps he was dealt a rotten deal
Do not worry as it appears it was indeed his lucky day
For in his hurry to escape he went a different way
He ran into a fisher lady sitting gutting fish
She took pity on this cat and filled for him a dish
Life goes on, sometimes in a strange way
But all in all for these four this was truly a purrfect day
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