Friday, October 9, 2009


What is this, they call writers block
Is it a safety system that has a lock
An impasse from brain to expression
Preventing any form of accession

Can it be used in our favour
Thinking time for us to savour
Or is it yet another trifling annoyance
That quells the ardour of our flamboyance

We all suffer this mysterious illness
When our minds are filled with stillness
Maybe it’s so we can take a rest
So our next work will be our best

It puts a bar on our meditation
Alas there is yet no medication
We have to relax and let it heal
Again our thoughts to pen reveal

Do not treat it as an affliction
Have faith in your own conviction
That you know you still have the ability
Writers block is not the same as senility


Dreamy man walking said...

True..i was soometimes struck by wrietsr block

India vice verser said...

It happens to us all I'm afraid.
Thank you for visiting my blog I hope to see you again.
We had a Goat once also but thats another story for a later post.
